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Fighting Game Tips and Todos

·2 mins

A quick update for the fighting game notebook web app I talked about in a previous post.

It’s proven very useful and I’ve been using it basically any time I’m playing fighting games. I’ve since added support for Virtua Fighter 5 REVO, Samurai Shodown, and even experimented with using it for Valve’s new MOBA shooter Deadlock.

Samurai Shodown Combo
A combo for Baiken in Samurai Shodown

VF5 combo
A starter and a few followups for Jeffry

I’ve added a section on the character page for tips:

Tips for Terry in SF6
Tips for and against Terry in SF6

Stuff like this could previously go in the notes section, but I like the structure this offers. Can even include a link with the tip – like if you found it in a youtube video or something. The combo markdown support isn’t working in tips yet, but will be in the future.

Tips for Ekko in 2XKO
Tips for Ekko in 2XKO

For 2XKO and other team games, there’s even another column for playing with a character (as opposed to playing as the character).

I also find myself wanting to bookmark links with tech to try or youtube videos to watch and learn from – especially now that I have Bluesky feeds full of cool clips. Previously I’d add these to my normal todo list but I didn’t like that getting crowded with game stuff, so I just built a todo list into this web app:

A handful of todos – one for the game, a few for the character

Todos can belong to games or specific characters. If you’re viewing a character page, you’ll see both the todos for that character and the todos for that particular game.

I’d like to eventually release something publicly but I’m still working out the core feature set as I test it on myself. More to come in the future.